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See What God Has Done: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

By Christina Lewis from Hillsdale College

He has done glor-i-ous, He has done glor-i-ous, He has done glor-i-ous things!

These words echo in the small, boxed room that has become the place I will spend most of my week.

Last week, everyone explored different forms of journalism: features, news, and broadcast. On Sunday night, our instructors assigned everyone to a specific track. I was put in the digital news track.

I picked up a news story yesterday, but after making a few phone calls, I soon realized it was Memorial Day, so most businesses would be closed.

I woke up today and made my way to the newsroom. This time, it wasn’t businesses who needed to pick up the call, but me.

WORLD radio host and correspondent Myrna Brown took us through her story of keeping a prayer journal. Every day, she writes a prayer and reads the prayer she wrote a year ago on the same day. I think I will start doing this too.

Myrna told us a personal story that ultimately pointed us to God.

If World Journalism Institute has taught me one thing so far, it is that everyone has a story. And, if you look closely, you can see God in it. We must share our stories with others so that God may be glorified.

He has done glor-i-ous, He has done glor-i-ous, He has done glor-i-ous things!