To engage, equip, connect, and encourage Christians called to use their gifts in the field of multimedia journalism–that’s WJI’s mission. It stems from WORLD’s goal to produce sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth.
The Nicene Creed is the basic creedal statement of the Institute, and our theological understandings suggest several practices:
1. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and should therefore be treated with respect and integrity. Those with whom we disagree deserve our kindness, respect, and fairness in presentation. The Christian in journalism should seek justice, liberty, and fulfillment for all people. Jesus models this perfectly. We also see He was interested in the needs and well-being of the "uns": the unborn, the uneducated, the unemployed, and the unfashionable. Their concern is the Christian journalist’s concern as well.
2. The Bible is the ultimate guide to story. In the Bible, we see the reason for the brokenness and darkness, and sin in the world: Adam’s rebellion. Not one of us has escaped the consequences. Yet as Christian journalists, the story does not stop there. Jesus’ perfect life and sacrifice satisfied the punishment that mankind deserved for breaking God’s commandments, and so the death and destruction we see are not the end. Justice and mercy meet at the cross, and Christian reporters also seek to balance truth and grace. Every reporter has a worldview. Journalists who are Christians look to Scripture to inform their worldview on God, human nature, and the world around us.
3. We believe in a personal God who is sovereign over the affairs of this world. The Christian journalist therefore should be fearless in presenting truth even when it reflects negatively on some Christian organizations or individuals. All truth is God’s truth, and factual accuracy in news reporting is the bedrock of journalism. When reporters and editors tell the truth, they serve the public honorably and well. They participate in the bigger mission, even ministry, of bringing light to dark places.
4. Christians in journalism, if asked about beliefs and convictions, should have the freedom to answer any question in a warm-hearted and gracious manner without fear of professional or personal reprisal.